2022 04 news weatherHave you ever wondered why what you’re looking at out your window doesn’t match what the weather guru is telling you on the radio or TV?

Well ponder no longer!

The Portarlington Golf Club has just installed its own weather station, the only one of its kind in Portarlington that can give us an accurate representation of what’s happening around town.

The new WeatherLink system provides constant updates on temperatures, wind direction and speed, rainfall and barometric pressure.

It even gives you daily highs and lows so you know exactly what’s going on in YOUR neighbourhood, not on the other side of Melbourne.

And for those who are visiting Port, it’s absolutely the best way to know what you’ll confront when you arrive.

So how do you access this data?

For the essentials, click on the “WEATHER” tab at the top of our home page, www.port.golf and you’ll go straight there.

If you want a bit more information (trust us, there’s lots of it!), download the “WEATHERLINK” app from either the App Store on Apple or Google Play for android phones. (The icon will have “DAVIS” written across the bottom.)

If you like your weather hardcore, log on to www.weatherlink.com, create an account and follow your nose to Portarlington. Once you familiarize yourself, search for the “bulletin” via stations around the country using the “map” tab.

And the best bit of all of this … it’s free!
If you have a business around Portarlington and the northern Bellarine that has a website and want to share our weather data to your clients, reach out via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll try to help you out.
